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How do you bill for your services?

Our standard billing procedure is to bill monthly. We require payment upon receipt. All standard forms of payment are accepted including credit cards.

What hours are you available?

We are available during normal business hours, which are 8:30 to 5:30, Monday through Friday. We would be happy to make special arrangements for evening or weekend consultations.

What role do you play if the IRS audits me?

We will spend up to one full hour with you at no charge, going over the return in question with you. After that, our regular fees apply.

How much and what kind of preparation do you need for
my return?

We prefer that your materials be in a computer accounting program, but we have taken materials in almost every imaginable form. Contact us with questions about specific software packages.

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      "Reginald can take a complex situation and make it very simple to understand. He is knowledgeable, personable and always displays the ultimate professionalism. (I just wish I knew how he keeps his desk so neat all the time!)" -Joe Bui

      "I can't say enough about Singh Accounting. Reg is a life saver. I'm a self employed artist and Reg has helped me keep my financial goals on track for almost 8 years now and I can honestly say, he truly cares about each of his clients. He is THE best." -Ashleigh Sumner


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